After months of trying out, thinking and doing handicrafts, the time has come: We present our first prototype to the public.

When and where?

On August 17th and 18th we will be at the Maker Faire at booth 116 in the Eilenriede-Halle. Tickets are available in the Make Faire online shop or at the box office.

We look forward to meeting you!

What’s that?

This is a technical study of our aquaponics system, which will show the water technology, the 3D printed parts, the electronics and the dimensioning of our first product.

The aim is to develop aquaponics as a piece of furniture for the living room or conservatory.

At the Maker Faire we want to approach Maker and show what Aquaponik can do and also look for volunteers for the alpha test.

In addition, we would also like to obtain feedback in early versions, which we can take into account in further development.

See you at the Maker Fair!

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  1. Mahlzeit Jungs,
    ich hatte vorhin an eurem Stand kurz mit einem von euch geplaudert und finde euer System echt gut. Ich werde mir vieles davon adaptieren und eventuell auch anpassen.
    Gern würde ich euch auch ein wenig bei dem Projekt unterstützen. Schreibt mir doch einfach mal ne Mail, dann können wir uns ja ein wenig austauschen 🙂

    Beste Grüße,
